We put Katelyn in this cool yellow ducky bath and she loved it! It was so funny to watch her kick and play around in it!

So cute! Trying to suck on her toes! The problem she was running into was that she wanted to suck on her feet and kick at the same time... so she was kicking herself in the mouth!
I was laughing so hard when she was trying to suck on both feet at once! crazy baby!
I love this picture of lil Katelyn she is growing so fast she looks like a big girl in this one. It's probably the jeans...
I agree, the jeans make her look older. That is quite the little bath - pretty cool! Where'd you get it?
Oh, the bath is from Becket and Gingi! They gave us some great stuff!
(Becket is my step-brother)
Holy thunder thighs!!! She is getting so big! And she does look like a big girl in the jeans ~ what a cutie! :)
Awww, Katelyn is soo adorable!! She has the cutest little expressions. Cool bathtub! Too bad they don't make it for bigger kids too...or grownups! lol
Hey- I hope Christopher called and asked if we can stay at the Cauffman Hilton again. We will be down to get him on May 8. I can't wait to see Katelyn. Christopher's Mom
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