Sunday, October 11, 2009


Many, many projects!

This little curtain goes over a window in our door (it was a little creepy...) I didn't make it I just edited it a little to fit our window.

Well, I have been doing a lot of crafts lately. These are some curtains I made! and I was very excited! I found a great deal and got the fabric for like$3.00 a yard! WOO!

Below is a Highchair cover I made for Katelyn's seat it was really ugly before so I spruced it up a bit! I think it turned out really cute!

And these little guys are hilarious! I thought they were sooo cute they are called pee pee teepees! I made them for a cousin that is having a little boy soon! so cute! They are for diaper changes so you dont get sprayed by the little fellas!

And here we have some lovely bibs! They get a little better as you go down to some of my more recent ones!

The little lion is so cute! I just love 'em all! So fun!!!

This little beaded butterfly one I made for Katelyns Birthday. Some of the others I made for friends and family. I am selling them if anyone is interested. The more simple ones (above) are $3.00 ea. and the Applique ones are $5.00. so let me know!


Talia said...

OK I am dying over the animal bibs! They are sooo cute! How did you make the stitching so perfect? I must know! All your stuff is so adorable. The curtains turned out really good! Good job you little crafter you! ;)

Linds said...

You are so talented! I love my bibs!

Alicia Alee said...

Way too ambitious. Let me repeat. WAY. I love the purple butterfly bib, the teal & brown, and the pink & brown! And the animal ones are sooo adorable. I will take a lion, dinosaur, and snake one. Thank you very much. :o)

Alicia Alee said...

Oops, guess it was a giraffe. Love that one though, so I will take that one too! haha

Unknown said...

You are SO stinkin' creative..Good job on all your crafts! I love the animal ones.

Stephanie said...

Lovely! I will e-mail you so you better e-mail back this time :P

Carissa said...

Pee pee teepees LOL! Funny, don't think I saw those last time. The bibs are super cute though, love the giraffe one but they're all cute. When are you making me one? :)
