Saturday, August 29, 2009

Summer is Over!

This summer has flown by, and it has been sometime since we updated our blog.
So we are posting some pictures as a highlight of our summer.

Katelyn was not a fan of the cold water at the wading pool!

Our poor baby had thrush after we got back from Basing in June:( she got the violet dye treatment, but that didn't do it... it was very persistent and held on for almost a month, but eventually we licked it!

Fathers Day!

Yay Summer Days!!!


Mom said...

OK. If she gets it again--- DO NOT spend all that money on the purple stuff. It does not work. Feed her some plain yogurt. Works every time. (experience talking)

Stephanie said...

Those are some pretty massive flowers you have on that girls head :) What a happy mommy you are! Sorry we haven't talked in awhile but good to see an update.
