OK, Charlie's been on my case to update the blog for a while, so I do apologize! Here is what we've been up to, we went home Valentine’s Day weekend to visit the families and my sister Alicia, who was also in town with her kids, but sadly took few pictures! So maybe I can ask grandma to send me a few. We also just went to Utah Valley to Sandy to Visit Charlie's Sisters and had a really good weekend with family there. Here are a few pics (and they are not all of Katelyn this time!)

I couldn't resist taking a picture of the Temple
~ so beautiful!
This is Amanda and Jason and baby Jase!
and of course me and charlie being silly!

Here are the organs in the old Tabernacle and
in the new Conference Center
Hanging out with Great Grandma Grace!
and below is little Weston Wane and Michell's boy! He is such a cutie and so strong!
That little tounge of his was out of control!
Finally, me and Charlie at the Cowboy's BBall game!
and what blog would be complete without at least one naked baby! hehe!!